Adding resellers
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You add a reseller when you want to give a customer the ability to log in to the reseller control panel to sell server services to their customers.
To add a reseller:
Start the add reseller wizard.
Provide reseller Information
On the reseller information form, provide the following information, then click Next.
Name. Required. The name of the reseller. This name appears on the reseller's account information. Names have to be at least one character in length and they can include spaces. They cannot include HTML tags, however. Up to 63 characters are allowed.
Domain Name. Required. The name of a domain that belongs to the reseller. Up to 63 characters are allowed. Type the domain name in the following format:
Login suffix. Required. A name that uniquely identifies the reseller. Up to 14 characters are allowed. This name is used in the reseller's login information.
Reseller Template. Optional. The template you want to use when adding the reseller. If you have added a template, you can select it from the drop-down list to pre-fill information on the add reseller wizard. Only enabled templates appear on the list; disabled templates are not available for selection.
Name. Optional. The name of the contact person at the reseller. Any input in this text box is valid. There is no character limit for the name.
Email. Required. An email address of the contact person at the reseller. This address is used when the system sends automated email messages about new accounts and resources. The address should be in standard email format, such as
Phone. Optional. A telephone number at which you can reach the contact person. This number is for your information only; any input in this text box is valid.
Create control panel account
On the administrator account information form, provide the information required to create the administrator account for the reseller control panel, then click Next. Information includes:
Administrator Name. Required. The name of the person who will use the reseller control panel administrator account. Names have to be at least one character in length.
Username. Required. The username the administrator will type when logging in to the reseller control panel. The reseller's domain name is appended to this username. Usernames can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters in length, and they cannot contain spaces.
Password. The password the administrator will type when logging in to the reseller control panel. Password requirements
Confirm Password. Required if password is specified. The password retyped.
External Email. Optional. An email address outside this system at which you can reach the administrator.
Choose Resources for Windows Web Hosting
Choose the service options to enable for the reseller, then click Next. For information about resource options and limits, click the link below to open the service-specific Help.
WebHosting Version 10.3.0
Verify information
Review the information about the reseller. To make changes, click Previous. To add the reseller, click Finish.
The Reseller is added and is displayed on the Resellers page. If you enabled the reseller control panel login and services, the reseller can log in and begin to resell resources or services immediately. If you supplied an email address for the reseller, an email message is automatically sent notifying the contact person that the reseller account is enabled. See the Email templates page for more information about automated messages.
After you add a reseller, you can log in automatically to the reseller's control panel.
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