Adding reseller templates
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Reseller templates are guides you can use to pre-fill information on forms when you add resellers. You can add as many reseller templates as necessary to meet your business needs.
To add a reseller template:
Start the Add Reseller Template wizard.
Reseller Template Information
On the Template Information form, provide the following information, then click Next.
Name. Required. The name you want to give to the template. For example, if the template has high-end resources and services, you might call it Gold. If it has low-end resources and services, you might call it Bronze. Resellers added with this template see this name on their account information page. Names must be between 1 and 128 characters in length.
Description. Optional. A description of the template. This is for your information only; resellers added with this template see this name on their account information page. Up to 512 characters, including special characters and spaces, are allowed.
Select Services
Select the Windows Web Hosting options to enable through the template, then click Next. For more information about resource types and limits, click the link below to open the service-specific Help.
WebHosting Version 10.3.0
Verify Information
Last step: Review the summary information. To make changes, click Previous. To add the template, click Finish.
The template is added and displayed on the Reseller Templates page. You can begin using it to add resellers immediately.
Next Quick-start topic: Add resellers