Name. Required. The name of the site. Names have
to be at least one character in length and they can include spaces. They
cannot include HTML tags, however. Up to 128 characters are allowed.
Site Domain Name. Required. The domain name of the site.
Enter the domain name in the following format:
In addition to the top-level domain characters, such as .com,
the domain name can be up to 63 characters in length.
login suffix. Required. A name that uniquely identifies the site.
Up to 14 characters are allowed. This name is used in the site's login
information, and is appended to the username of all users belonging to
this site. For example, <username>@<loginsuffix>.
Since the combined length of <username>@<loginsuffix>
should not exceed 20 characters, ensure that the site login suffix is
not too long.
Optional. The template you want to use when adding the site. If you have
added a template, you can
select it from the drop-down list to pre-fill information on the add site
wizard. Only enabled templates appear on the list; disabled templates
are not available for selection.
Optional. The name of the contact person at the site. Any input
in this text box is valid. There is no character limit for the name.
Required. An email address of the contact person at the site. This address
is used when the system sends automated
email messages about new accounts and resources. The address should
use standard email format, such as
Optional. A telephone number at which you can reach the contact person.
This number is for your information only; any input in this text box is
For more information about service
options, click the links below to open the