
Adding sites

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You add sites when you want to set up an account and sell services to a user or a group of users.

To add a site:

  1. Start the add site wizard.

  2. site Information

  3. Provide the following general site information, then click Next.

  4. Create control panel account

  5. Create the administrator account by providing the following information, then click Next:

  6. Choose service options

  7. Select the service options you want to enable for the site, then click Next.

  8. For more information about service options, click the links below to open the service-specific Help.

    Verify site information

  9. Verify the information about the site. To make changes, click Previous. To add the site, click Finish. The site is available for use as soon as it is added.

After you add a site, you can log in automatically to the site's control panel. If you supplied an email address for the site, an email message is automatically sent notifying the contact person that the site is enabled. See the Email templates page for more information about automated messages.

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