Users Page
To get to the users page, on the top navigation bar, click users.
The users page shows the users who have accounts with your site. On the users page, you can perform several tasks and view the following information:
- Status. The current state of the user account. States include:
Enabled. The user can log in to the control panel and use services.
Disabled. The user cannot log in to the control panel or use services.
- Admin. Whether the user has been granted access to the site control panel.
in this column indicates the user can log in to the site control panel if the account is enabled. If the column is blank, the user has not been granted access. - Name. The name of the account holder.
- Username. The username the account holder types to log in to the control panel.
On this page you can:
- , or to find services listed on multipage forms.
- Click action bar links to perform tasks. Many of these links are enabled only after you from the list. Action bar links include:
- add user. Add individual accounts for users.
- import users. Add multiple user accounts using a csv file.
- overview. View user details.
- edit. Change user information.
- remove. Remove the user's account. This link is not available if you have only one administrative account.
- user actions. Change the user's service settings. This is available only if at least one service is enabled for the user and if that service has settings you can change.
- auto login. Log in to the user administrator control panel.