Importing New Users

If you need to add multiple user accounts at once, you can import the user information in CSV (comma-separated value) format. Importing users is an alternative to using the add user account wizard, which adds user accounts at a time.

You can import up to 1,000 users at a time in CSV files that are up to 300 KB in size.

To import users:

  1. Create a CSV file with information about the users you want to import.

    When creating a CSV file, use these guidelines:

  2. Save the CSV file as a text file with a .txt filename extension.
  3. Go to the user information file page. To do this, on the left navigation bar, in the users section, click import users.
  4. Click Browse to locate the file, then click Add. The user information is imported, and the accounts are created.
  5. If errors are reported, check the Action Log. It shows information about the error, including the users affected. If the system encounters an error in the CVS file, it skips the current user and attempts to add the next user in the file.

    The users you successfully imported appear on the users page. Email messages welcoming the new users are sent to the email addresses provided for the users. These email messages are based on your site's email templates.

In this section:

Values and Definitions for Importing Users