Values and Definitions for Importing Users

When you create a CSV (comma-separated value) file for importing users, place the values for each user on a single line in the following format. Values are defined in the table below.

<Username>,<password>[,[<plan>],[<firstname>],[<middlename>],[<lastname>],[<true/false/1/0/yes/no>],[],[+64 21 555 2624],[<description>],[<true/false/1/0/yes/no>]]

Note: When you enter values, do not enter the brackets; they are for display purposes only. Angle brackets, <>, indicate the value name to be replaced; square brackets, [], indicate optional values. There are 11 possible values for each user. However, only the first two are required.

CSV File Example

The following is the text of a CSV (comma-separated value) file used to import users:



User3,pwd,,firstname,,lastname,true,,,user 3 description,true


If you do not want to supply an optional value, you still need to type a comma for that value unless it is the last value entered.

If the CSV file above is imported, the following four user accounts are created:


There are 11 possible values, each of which is described below.

Explanation of Values

Value Name

Required/ Optional


Valid Input

1. Username


A name that identifies the user. The user types this name, followed by your domain name when logging in to the control panel. The username and your domain name are also the user's email address at your site.

Up to 15 alphanumeric characters; no spaces allowed

2. Password

Depends upon the system password policy set on the server. Please contact your service provider for details.

A password the user types to access the control panel.

Password requirements

3. Plan name


The user template you want to use to enable services for the user.

The name of a valid enabled user template

4. Firstname


The user's first name.

Any input is valid

5. Middlename


The user's middle name.

Any input is valid

6. Lastname


The user's last name.

Any input is valid

7. Admin?


Whether the user is allowed to log in to the site control panel.

TRUE, 1, FALSE, 0, empty

TRUE: the user can log in to the site control panel in addition to the User Administrator control panel.

1: Same as True

FALSE: the user can log in only to the User Administrator control panel.

0: Same as False.

Empty (no input): Same as False. The user can log in only to the User Administrator control panel.

8. Email


An email address at which the user can be contacted. This address is external to the user account you are adding.

A valid email address

9. Phone


A telephone number at which the user can be contacted.

Any phone number format is valid

10. Description


Any additional information you want to provide about the user.

Any input is valid

11. Enabled?


Whether control panel access is enabled or disabled.

TRUE, 1, FALSE, 0 empty

TRUE: the user can log in to the control panel and use any services enabled through the template.

1: Same as True

FALSE: the user cannot log in to the control panel or use services.

0: Same as False.

Empty (no input): Same as True. The account is enabled by default.