Upgrade Instructions

This section provides instructions for upgrading to Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.1. Ensure that you review the system requirements and the upgrade checklist discussed in the section Before You Upgrade.

To upgrade to the latest version of Parallels Pro Control Panel:

  1. Log in to the server on which you want to upgrade Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  2. Verify that you have upgraded to version 10.0.0, 10.1.0, 10.2.0 or 10.3.0, as described in the Parallels Pro Control Panel for Linux Upgrade Guide for the 10.0.0,10.1.0, 10.2.0 or 10.3.0 release.
  3. Obtain the installer script ensim-installer.py from the Parallels Pro Control Panel CD-ROM or from the FTP server.

    Important: The Parallels Pro Control Panel installer varies for different operating systems. Make sure that you obtain the installer that corresponds to your operating system. Note that the installer for RHEL and CentOS operating systems is the same.

    Option 1: Parallels Pro Control Panel CD-ROM

    To use this option, you need to purchase the Parallels Pro Control Panel CD-ROM from the storefront (http://www.parallels.com/en/buyonline/ensimpro/).

    To access the installer script, mount the CD-ROM.

    1. Insert the Parallels Pro Control Panel CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the server.
    2. To access the contents of the CD-ROM, mount the CD-ROM by typing the following command. Do not mount the CD-ROM if you have enabled AutoMount on your server.

      mount /mnt/cdrom

    3. Browse to the installer script ensim-installer.py (located at /mnt/cdrom).

      Option 2: FTP server

      To use this option, you need to download the installer script ensim-installer.py from the Parallels Pro support (http://www.parallels.com/en/support/ensimpro/) Web site.

  4. Run the installer script by typing the following command at the prompt. The following table describes key command options. Use the --help option with the script to learn more about the various command options you can use with the script.

    python ensim-installer.py <installation_files_source> <repository>




    Depending on the source of the repository, replace the variable with the appropriate option as indicated.

    --updater <tool_name>. Indicates that the installer obtains the operating system RPMs and updates using yum or the up2date utility. Replace <tool_name> with one of the following values:

    yum (--updater=yum). The installer obtains the operating system RPMs and updates using the yum utility.

    up2date (--updater=up2date). The installer obtains the operating system RPMs and updates using the up2date utility from RHN.

    In using up2date, be aware that:

    To obtain the RPMs from RHN, you must be a subscribed member of RHN and the server on which you are upgrading Parallels Pro Control Panel must be registered with the network. For details, refer to https://rhn.redhat.com/help/faq.

    When you obtain automatic updates from RHN, you must exclude certain RPMs that are incompatible with Parallels Pro Control Panel. The list of RPMs that cannot be upgraded are published in the Knowledge Base (http://kb.swsoft.com/en/products/ensimprolinux) article.

    -o <os_repository>, -u <updates_repository>, and -a <extras_repository>. Indicates that the installer obtains the operating system RPMs, updates RPM and extras RPM from a local FTP server or a local system.

    <os_repository> is the complete path containing the operating system RPMs.

    <updates_repository> is the complete path containing the RPM updates.

    <extras_repository> is the complete path containing the extra RPMs.

    If the repository is on an FTP server, specify the path as follows: ftp://<path_to_ftp>

    If the repository is on your local system, specify the path as follows: file:///<path_to_repository>


    Indicates the repository (Parallels Pro Control Panel FTP server, local FTP server, or the CD-ROM) from where the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation files are obtained. Replace the variable with one of the following options as indicated.

    --ftp-server=<ftp_url>. Indicates that the installer obtains the installation files from an FTP repository (Parallels Pro's FTP server or your local FTP server).

    --cdrom Indicates that the installer obtains the installation files from the Parallels Pro Control Panel CD-ROM. If you choose the CD-ROM option, you will be prompted to insert the CD-ROM.

    Note: Running the installer with the -n and -p options does not change the previously set user name and password information of your account. If you want to change your credentials, log into the Server Administrator control panel after the upgrade and use the Change Administrator option.


    In the following example, the command upgrades Parallels Pro Control Panel on RHEL to the latest version by obtaining the necessary Parallels Pro Control Panel files from the CD-ROM and the operating system RPMs and updates from RHN.

    python ensim-installer.py --cdrom --updater=up2date

    In the following example, the command upgrades Parallels Pro Control Panel on RHEL by obtaining the necessary Parallels Pro Control Panel files from Parallels Pro's FTP server and the operating system RPMs and update RPMs, extra RPMs from a local FTP server.

    python ensim-installer.py --ftp-server=ftp.Parallels Pro.com

    -o ftp://ftp.example.com/path/os

    -u ftp://ftp.example.com/path/updates

    -a ftp://ftp.example.com/path/extras

    In the following example, the command installs Parallels Pro Control Panel on Fedora or CentOS by obtaining the necessary Parallels Pro Control Panel RPMs from the CD-ROM and the operating system RPMs, update RPMS and extra RPMS from the Mirror server. This option is provided for customers who do not have a local repository setup.

    python ensim-installer.py -nadmin -ppasswd --cdrom -mexample1@example.com

    In the following example, the command installs Parallels Pro Control Panel on Fedora or CentOS by obtaining the necessary Parallels Pro Control Panel files from the CD-ROM, the operating system RPMs and update RPMs from a local FTP server, and extra RPMs from mirrors provided by the corresponding operating system.

    python ensim-installer.py -nadmin -ppasswd --cdrom -mexample1@example.com

    -o ftp://ftp.example.com/path/os

    -u ftp://ftp.example.com/path/updates

    In the following example, the command installs Parallels Pro Control Panel on Fedora or CentOS by obtaining the necessary Parallels Pro Control Panel files from the CD-ROM, which must be manually installed on the system.

    python ensim-installer.py -nadmin -ppasswd --cdrom -mexample1@example.com -d

    The installer performs the following tasks during the upgrade:

  5. If you want to upgrade your operating system to another supported version, upgrade the operating system as described in the documentation of the operating system, obtain the installer that corresponds to the upgraded operating system, and run the installer again.

Important: You must re-install Parallels Pro Control Panel by running the installer again after you upgrade the operating system.
For CentOS users: Do not re-install Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.1 if you have already installed it before upgrading the operating system.