This section includes the instructions for installing optional add-ons using the command line.
To install the add-ons using the command line:
Important: If you have installed Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1) on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server, then the ColdFusion MX 6.1 installer fails. For instructions on resolving this issue, go to ColdFusion Web site.
msiexec /l*v <full_path_of_log_file> /i "Parallels Pro Coldfusion Addon.10.3.4.msi" /qn
where <full_path_of_log_file> is the location where you want to save the log file for the installation. For example, C:\coldfusion.log
. After the installation is complete, check the log file to verify that the add-on installed successfully.
msiexec /l*v <full_path_of_log_file> /i "Parallels Pro Urchin Addon.10.3.4.msi" /qn
where <full_path_of_log_file> is the location where you want to save the log file for the installation. For example, C:\urchin.log
. After the installation is complete, check the log file to verify that the add-on installed successfully.
MySQL Server Instance Configuration window:
Note: Since the password encryption is different in MySQL 4.1 and 5.0 than its previous versions, you cannot access the database using phpMyAdmin 2.x provided with Parallels Pro Control Panel. To change this password encryption to support phpMyAdmin 2.x:
After installing MySQL 4.1 or 5.0 on the server, go to the directory where MySQL is installed. If you have installed MySQL in the default location, then the path is C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server
<version_no>, where <version_no> is the version of MySQL. For example, C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1.
Open the my.ini file present in this directory, type old-passwords in the [mysqld] section, save the file, and close it.
Open a command window, and run the following commands:net stop mysql
net start mysql
PhpMyAdmin 2.x can now be used to access MySQL 4.1 or 5.0. You can now proceed to installing the MySQL add-on as described below.
msiexec /l*v <full_path_of_log_file> /i "Parallels Pro Mysql Addon.10.3.4.msi" /qn ROOTPASSWORD="<MySQL_root_password>"
After the installation is complete, check the log file specified above to verify that the add-on installed successfully.
The add-on installation is complete.