This section includes the instructions for installing Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.4 and online Help using the command line.
To install Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.4 and online Help using the command line:
msiexec /l*v <full_path_of_log_file> /i "Parallels Pro Control Panel.10.3.4.msi" /qn USERNAME="<username>" COMPANYNAME="<company_name>" CUSTOMEREMAIL="<email_id>" INSTALLDIR="< install_dir>" LICENSEKEY="<license_key>" SITEDATADIR="<site_data_path>" ISPPWD="<password>" IP="<server_ip_address>" NETMASK="<server_netmask >" FQDN="<FQDN_of_the_server >" wwp="1"
Ensure that the parameters you specify in the above command are in the same format as specified in the example below, since the command does not validate the format or null value of the parameters.
msiexec /l*v C:/ensimpro.log /i "Parallels Pro Control Panel.10.3.4.msi" /qn USERNAME="xyz" COMPANYNAME="" CUSTOMEREMAIL="" INSTALLDIR="C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance" LICENSEKEY="A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2M" SITEDATADIR="C:\Sitedata" ISPPWD="ensimpro" IP="" NETMASK="" FQDN="" wwp="1"
If your server does not meet the pre-requisites for installing Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.4, the error message will be logged only in the WWP_prerequisite_error.log file. This log file is created only in case of pre-requisite errors, and is located in the <system_drive> of your server, where the operating system files are present.
For more information on meeting the pre-requisites for installing Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.4, see installation preparation.
msiexec /l*v <full_path_of_log_file> /i "Parallels Pro Online Help.10.3.4.msi" /qn
where <full_path_of_log_file> is the location where you want to save the log file for the installation. For example, C:\onlinehelp.log.
After the installation is complete, check the log file to verify that the online Help has installed successfully.
The Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.4 and online Help installation is complete. If you want to install the add-ons, proceed to the next section; otherwise, in order to ensure that Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.4 has been installed successfully see the verification section.