Viewing Your Resource Usage
Your resource usage is the amount of disk space your email messages and other data use on your site. You can view the amount of used and available disk space at any time to determine whether you are close to your usage limit.
Note: Only your administrator can change your resource allocation.
To view your account resource usage:
- In the Shortcuts section of the , click View Usage Data (Administration section).
The Usage Data form opens and displays the amount of disk space you are using. Information on this form includes:
- Used. The amount of disk space your email messages and other data are occupying on the server.
- Free. The amount of disk space you have available. If the amount is near 0 (zero), contact your administrator to request more disk space. You can also remove files and email messages to free up more disk space.
- Quota. The total amount of disk space assigned to you. This is the sum of the total amount of used disk space plus the total amount of free disk space.
- Use %. The amount of used disk space, shown as a percentage of the disk space quota.
Important: If you are currently using more than 90 percent of your resources, you should either delete files, or contact your administrator to find out about increasing your resource allocation.