Changing Your Full Name or Password

You can change the full name and password of your User Administrator account at any time. The full name of your account is the name that appears in the headers of email messages you send.

Note: For increased security, change your password after you log on for the first time and periodically thereafter.

To change your full name or password:

  1. In the Shortcuts section of the Home page, click View User Information (Administration section).
  2. On the User Information form, click Edit.
  3. In the Full Name field, enter your first and last name as you want it to appear in the headers of email messages you send.
  4. In the Password field, enter your new password. If you leave this field blank, your password remains unchanged.

    Note: Passwords can contain both letters and numbers, and must be at least one character in length. Passwords cannot contain spaces.

  5. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password.
  6. Click Update.