Using a Custom Logo

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The Parallels Pro Control Panel logo is the default logo displayed on all of the control panels. You can replace this default logo with your own by saving the logo you want to use as a file named logo.gif, then uploading it through the Server Administrator control panel or copying it to the customization directory on the server as described in the instructions below.

The default Parallels Pro Control Panel logo is used for all of the control panels, unless you specify a customized logo.

Resellers can display a logo for their Site and User Administrator Control Panel. This can be done by uploading the logo to the server, through the Reseller Administrator Control Panel.

Using the control panel to change the logo

To upload your logo to the server:

  1. In the shortcuts area of the Home page, Click Upload Logo (Configuration section).
  2. In the Upload new logo field, enter the name of your custom logo file including the full path or click Browse to locate and select the file on your computer.

    Note: Your logo size should not exceed 73 x 46 pixels.

  3. Click Upload Logo.

To reset the logo to a default logo:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Upload Logo (Configuration section).
  2. Click Change to Default Logo.

Using the command line to change the logo

When you use the command line interface to change the logo, ensure that your custom logo is named logo.gif, then copy it to the customization directory on the server as described in the instructions below.

To replace the Parallels Pro Control Panel logo:

  1. Size your logo to 73 x 46 pixels and save it as a GIF file with the following file name:


  2. If you have not done so already, create an FTP user account so you can make an FTP connection to the server. To create an FTP user account:
  3. Make an SSH connection to the server, then type:

    useradd <ftp_username>

    where <ftp_username> is the name you want to assign to your FTP account.

  4. Set your password by typing:

    password <ftp_username>

    where <ftp_username> is the name you assigned to your FTP account, then follow the prompts to set your password.

  5. Connect to the server through FTP, then copy your logo.gif file to the server.
  6. Using SSH, log on to the server as the root user.
  7. Use either the move (mv) or copy (cp) command to move your logo.gif file to the customization directory /etc/appliance/customization/. For example:

    mv /home/<ftp_username>/logo.gif \


    where <ftp_username> is the user name of your FTP user account on the server.

Next Quick-start topic: restarting the control panel