Preparing for Export and Import

Before you export or import data, review the preparatory information and the recommended tips to ensure successful export and import operations.

Before you begin

Before you begin, verify that you meet the specified requirements and have the requisite information to export and import data.

Tips for successful export and import

Review the tips provided in this section to avoid export and import issues.

  1. Schedule export operations during a period of low activity.
  2. Importing Web sites that reference non-variable Site IDs (hard-coded) to a different server renders the site inaccessible. Do not use non-variable Site IDs in Web content. Use environment variables provided by the application.
  3. The export and import operation fails on certain FTP servers. Parallels Pro recommends the use of certain FTP servers for successful export and import operations.
  4. Files exported from versions 3.0 or 3.1 are incompatible with later versions. Export these files using the latest version of the control panel after you upgrade from the older versions.
  5. Exporting data using FTP does not change the access permissions of exported archives. If you want these archives to be secure, you must modify the default FTP permissions as needed.