Enabling AWStats

By default, AWStats is disabled in your system. You can enable it globally in service plans or for a particular site.

To enable AWStats in a service plan:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click List Plans (Sites section).
  2. Locate the Service Plan you want to update and in the Actions column, click . The Edit Service Plan form opens.
  3. Scroll down to the Monitoring section and check the box in the AWStats Log Analyzer column.
  4. Use the Service Plan Options Information to help you make changes to the form.
  5. Click Update Plan.

To enable AWStats for a particular site:

  1. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click List Sites (Sites section).
  2. Locate the site you want to change and in the Actions column, click . The Edit Site form opens.
  3. Scroll down to the Monitoring section and check the box in the AWStats Log Analyzer column.

Click Update Site.