Configuring AWStats for Sites

AWStats reports must be configured from the command line interface. You cannot configure AWStats using the control panel.

AWStats statistics is available in the directories:

AWStats reports are generated in accordance with the options set in the AWStats configuration file. AWStats configuration files are stored in the following directories inside the site's file system:

You can modify the configuration options to change the default behavior of AWStats reports.

AWStats directory is protected and by default the site administrator user has access to it:

To change the configuration options:

  1. Log on to the server using the Telnet or SSH remote login service.
  2. To assume root privileges for the site, using the following command.


  3. Change your working directory to the home directory of the site using the following command.

    /usr/sbin/chroot /home/virtual/<siteN>


    /usr/sbin/chroot is the command to change your working directory to the home directory of the site

    /home/virtual/<siteN> is the absolute path to the site's home directory

    Important: When you use this command, you must leave a space between the command /usr/sbin/chroot and the directory path /home/virtual/<siteN>,otherwise it will result in an error.

  4. At the command prompt, type the following command to modify the configuration file.
  5. Change the configuration options as needed.
  6. To save the changes and exit the configuration file, type the following command.


To view the report, run AWStats.