
This section describes the terms used in this section.

Local box. A local box is a server where the user installs Parallels Pro for Linux. This is the host name of the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.

External server. An external server is the external DNS server, which is not a part of the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.

When you add an external server, Parallels Pro updates the configuration file (/etc/virtualhosting/masterconf), on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server with the following information about the added external server. This information is used by Parallels Pro Control Panel to communicate with the external server as master or slave server.


a. Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) name servers are configured to secure the zone updates, using a transaction signature (TSIG), that uses a key/secret value pair. If your external server is running BIND, the Key Name and Secret value can be obtained from the /etc/rndc.conf file

b. If your external server is running Parallels Pro, the key name you need to enter is wp_default_key. (the dot is part of the key name). To view the secret key corresponding to that key, you need to log in to the Parallels Pro control panel as an ISP administrator, and go to the (Start of Authority) SOA Settings page.

c. If your external name server is running another implementation of DNS, such as Microsoft DNS, which does not support the TSIG method of protecting zone updates, then this external server must be configured to allow zone updates from your Parallels Pro server. If the server is not configured, the Parallels Pro server will not be able to add records to any zone, that exists on the external name server.

Local name server. Local name servers are name servers, which the user adds to the Parallels Pro for Linux server, in addition to the LocalBox hostname (such as, The local name server is used as master/slave server, while adding sites/plans/zones.

The above commands update the /etc/virtualhosting/localnameserver file on the Parallels Pro server.

Note: You can also add a local name server through the control panel.
Log on to the control panel as the Server Administrator. In the shortcuts section of the Home page, click Local Name Servers (DNS section).

Master server. A master server is an independent DNS server, which contains the master database of zones, and can resolve DNS queries directly.

Slave server. A slave server is a DNS server, which is dependent on the master server, on which zone database gets updated from the master server. The slave server can resolve DNS queries.

Forward server. A forward server is a DNS server, which is neither a master server nor a slave server. It is completely dependent on the master server and slave server. The forward server cannot resolve the DNS queries directly, and the server redirects the DNS queries to the master or slave DNS server.