Configuring Parallels Pro Control Panel with the Local Name Servers

To perform the domain name and IP address translations efficiently, DNS has a distributed architecture composed of many hierarchical DNS name servers. Each DNS name server is responsible for both name-to-IP-address translations (called forward lookups) and IP-address-to-name translations (called reverse lookups). Each DNS name server manages the lookups for domain name spaces. In DNS, these domain name spaces are referred to as zones. The term zone is used to denote information, such as host records, about a domain.

To make a domain or zone accessible to the Internet, the domain name and IP address must be registered with at least two DNS name servers: a master DNS server and a slave DNS server (or backup name server). You can use the Parallels Pro server or any external server as a master, slave or forward name server.

To use a local name server with Parallels Pro Control Panel server, do the following:

  1. Configure Parallels Pro Control Panel as a master server
  2. Configure Parallels Pro Control Panel as a slave server
  3. Configure Parallels Pro Control Panel as a forward server

In this section:


Configuring Parallels Pro Control Panel as a Master Server

Configuring Parallels Pro Control Panel as a Slave Server

Configuring Parallels Pro Control Panel as a Forward Server