Using Command Line Interface Scripts

This section explains the usage and syntax of scripts.

In this section:

Looking Up Site Information

Changing the Server Administrator Password

Changing the Site Administrator Password

Changing the Site Administrator Email Address

Changing the User Administrator Password

Adding a Service Plan

Modifying a Service Plan

Removing a Service Plan

Adding a Domain

Changing the Domain Quota

Modifying a Domain

Disabling a Domain

Enabling a Domain

Viewing a List of All the Domains

Removing a Domain

Disabling a Service

Enabling a Service

Hiding a Service

Revealing (Unhiding) a Service

Configuring Service Restart Queues

Adding a User to a Domain

Changing the Number of Users Allowed on a Domain

Changing a User's Full Name

Changing a User's Information

Removing a User from a Domain

Configuring logrotate

Getting Quota Reports

Exporting Complete, Reseller, Site, or User's Data

Importing Complete, Reseller, Site, or User's Data from a Backup

Backing up the postgresql Database

Managing Catch-All Mailbox Aliases

Managing MX DNS Records

Configuring Recursive DNS Settings

Configuring Parallels Pro Control Panel with the Local Name Servers