Upgrade Instructions

This section provides instructions for upgrading to Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.3. Ensure that you review the system requirements and the upgrade checklist discussed in the section Before You Upgrade.

To upgrade to the latest version of Parallels Pro Control Panel:

  1. Log in to the server on which you want to upgrade Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  2. Verify that you have upgraded to version 10.0.0-10.3.2, as described in the Upgrade Guide for the corresponding release.
  3. Obtain the installer script ensim-installer.py from the Parallels Pro Control Panel download page (http://www.parallels.com/en/download/pro/linux/1033/).

    Important: The Parallels Pro Control Panel installer varies for different operating systems. Make sure that you obtain the installer that corresponds to your operating system. Note that the installer for RHEL and CentOS operating systems is the same.

  4. Run the installer script by typing the following command at the prompt. The following table describes key command options. Use the --help option with the script to learn more about the various command options you can use with the script.
python ensim-installer.py -n<admin_username> -p <admin_passwd>

-m<admin_email> <installation_files_source> <os_update_repository>

Below is the list of options of Parallels Pro Control Panel installer. Default values, if available, appear in [].



-h, --help

Show this help message and exit.


Version of PPCPL that will be installed or upgraded to.

Note: Do not use this option with '-E' option. You cannot specify version when use '-E' option.


Build number of PPCPL that will be installed or upgraded to.

Note: Do not use this option with '-E' option. You cannot specify version when use '-E' option.


ISP Administrator's user name (not applicable for upgrades).

-p ADMINPASS, --adminpasswd=ADMINPASS

ISP Administrator's password (not applicable for upgrades).


ISP Administrator's email (not applicable in upgrades). All notifications will be sent to the provided email address. Please note that you will not be able to receive notifications of critical failures if you do not provide a valid email address.


Assume yes as the answer if prechecks are performed.This flag is ignored if prechecks are not performed (when using the -s option).

-c, --cdrom

If specified, searches for Parallels Pro Control Panel rpms on the CD-ROM.

-e EMAIL, --email=EMAIL

Address to which any installation logs should be sent.


Provide the license key. This is optional and can be performed after installation.

-E ENSIM_REPOS, --ensim-source=ENSIM_REPOS

<yum baseurl>: A yum-style baseurl pointing to a yum repository for the PPCPL Control Panel rpms. [http:// download.pro.parallels.com/ensim/apt/ensim/EPL/<version>/ i386/rhel.4ES.12/RPMS.lwp]


<pkg1,pkg2,...>: A comma-separated list of packages that should be excluded from consideration when upgrading/installing.

-f FTP_SERVER, --ftp-server=FTP_SERVER

<FTP server>: The name of an FTP server that has the same directory structure as the PPCPL FTP server. Any base URLs not specified in the command line will use this server. [download.pro.parallels.com]


<password>: The password to use when accessing data on the FTP server. Any base URLs not specified in the commandline will use this password.


<user>: The user name to use when accessing data on the FTP server. Any base URLs not specified in the command line will use this user name. [ftp]

-o OS_REPOS, --os-source=OS_REPOS

<yum baseurl>: A yum-style base url pointing to a yum repository for the operating system rpms.

-d, --skip-mirrors

If specified, this option will disable the default behaviour of pulling mirrors to solve dependencies.

-s, --skip-checker

If specified, no prechecks are performed.

-u UPDATES_REPOS, --updates-source=UPDATES_REPOS

<yum baseurl>: A yum-style base url pointing to a yum repository for any operating system updates.

-a EXTRAS_REPOS, --extra-source=EXTRAS_REPOS

<yum baseurl>: A yum-style baseurl pointing to a yum repository for any operating system updates.


<interface>: An interface (eth0/eth1/wan0 ) that will be set.


Specify the updater tool to use. (yum, up2date) [yum].


this option is possible to be used with -E option to force install script to work with PPCPL version/build which are not supported by the script. Additionally, it is possible to specify this option to re-install the version which is already installed to the system.


In the following example, the command upgrades Parallels Pro Control Panel on RHEL by obtaining the necessary Parallels Pro Control Panel files from Parallels Pro's FTP server and the operating system RPMs and update RPMs, extra RPMs from a local FTP server.

python ensim-installer.py -nadmin -ppasswd - m example1@example.com

-o ftp://ftp.example.com/path/os

-u ftp://ftp.example.com/path/updates

-a ftp://ftp.example.com/path/extras

The installer performs the following tasks during the upgrade:

You may refer to the log file /var/log/ensim/installer.<version>.<release>-<upgrade-attempt>.log for details on the upgrade process. If you encounter problems during the upgrade, resolve the issues using the troubleshooting information.

Important: If you are upgrading Parallels Pro Control Panel using Telnet or SSH, do not disconnect the session during the upgrade. If the connection is lost for any reason, reconnect to your server and locate the message Parallels Pro Control Panel is upgraded to 10.3.3 in the file /var/log/appliance/history. The message indicates that the upgrade has successfully completed. If you are unable to locate the message, run the command, ps -ax.

If there are RPM processes active, the command will list the RPMs (running RPM processes indicate that the upgrade is in progress). Do not interrupt the upgrade. When the upgrade is complete, restart the server manually using the command:
/etc/rc.d/init.d/epld restart

If you want to upgrade your operating system to another supported version, upgrade the operating system as described in the documentation of the operating system, obtain the installer that corresponds to the upgraded operating system, and run the installer again.

Important: You must re-install Parallels Pro Control Panel by running the installer again after you upgrade the operating system.
For CentOS users: Do not re-install Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.3 if you have already installed it before upgrading the operating system.