Upgrading Parallels Pro Control Panel Installed from Virtuozzo Containers

To upgrade Parallels Pro Control Panel installed from Virtuozzo Containers:

  1. Download the respective Parallels Pro Virtuozzo Container Template:
  2. Run the update command:

    # vzpkg update template -f <template_package>

    where <template_package> is the rpm of the necessary Virtuozzo Container template

  3. Get the metadata of the updated template:

    # vzpkg update metadata --remote <OS_template_name>

    where <OS_template_name> is the Operating System to which the template is installed (for example, redhat-el5-x86_64)

  4. Update the template for required container(s):

    # vzpkg update <CT_ID> ppcpl10

    where <CT_ID> is the container ID