Reinstalling Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2

You can reinstall Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 if the previous installation of Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 did not complete successfully; however, ensure that the earlier installation rolled back successfully. If the progress bar in the Installation Wizard window rolled back successfully without any error message, then the roll-back action was successful.

If not, you must manually remove partially installed components of Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2. For instructions about removing Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 and its components, see the removal instructions.

Important: After uninstalling Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 and its add-ons, you must restart the server before reinstalling Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 and its add-ons.

While reinstalling Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2, you must perform the installation of Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 and its add-ons in the following sequence.

  1. Install Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2 and Parallels Pro Control Panel online Help. For instructions, see Installing Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.2.
  2. Optional: Install the add-ons for ColdFusion MX, Urchin and MySQL. For instructions, see Installing the add-ons.