When the sites' file systems are updated with recent RPM updates, Parallels Pro Control Panel runs in maintenance mode. During the maintenance mode, the sites hosted on the server are inaccessible. It is recommended that you schedule this maintenance during a period of low activity.
You can schedule the maintenance to occur periodically to ensure that the sites' file systems are updated with the latest files. You can schedule this update process by running the scheduleMaintenance
script as the root user. The scheduleMaintenance
script schedules the execution of the synchronizeFST
script by updating the cron file with the schedule settings you specify for the scheduleMaintenance
script. You can view the existing schedule information in the file /etc/cron.d/scheduleMaintenance
The following table lists the options you can use with the script.
Options |
Description / Usage |
-h | --help |
Displays this help message |
-H <hour> --hour=<hour> |
Schedules the maintenance to run at the specified hour (0-23) of the day. The option can be used with any of the following frequency values: daily, weekly, and monthly. If not specified, the value defaults to 0 (12.00 A.M). |
-M <minute> --minute=<minute> |
Schedules the maintenance to run at the specified minute (0-59) past the specified hour. The option can be used with any of the following frequency values: daily, B, and monthly. If not specified, the value defaults to 0 (minutes past the hour). |
-W <day> --day-of-week=<day> |
Schedules the maintenance to run on the specified day of the week. The option can be used only with the following frequency value: weekly. <day> can be the full name of the week day, such as Sunday or a value from 0 to 6, each value indicating a particular day of the week as specified below: Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6 |
-D <day> --day-of-month=<day> |
Schedules the maintenance to run on the specified day (1-31) of the month. The option can be used only with the following frequency value: monthly. |
-e Info@Acme.com --email=Info@Acme.com |
Specifies the email address at which you want to receive the output of the cron job. By default, the root user receives the email at the specified email address. |
<frequency> |
Specifies the number of times the maintenance must run. The value can be one of the following: daily, weekly, or monthly. If the option cancel is used, any existing schedule is cancelled. |
cancel |
Indicates that any existing schedule will be cancelled. |
<options> <frequency> | cancel
<options> is any of the options listed in the above table
<frequency> is the number of times you want to schedule maintenance (daily, weekly, monthly)
The following examples illustrate the usage of the script.
To view the current schedule:
To schedule a weekly maintenance
scheduleMaintenance weekly
To schedule a maintenance on Monday every week:
scheduleMaintenance -W Monday weekly