Manually Synchronizing the Sites' File Systems

You can force the synchronization process to occur after an RPM update by running the synchronizeFST script. The script causes Parallels Pro Control Panel to go through the maintenance cycle for the synchronization process. When Parallels Pro runs in maintenance mode, the sites hosted on the server are inaccessible.

The following table lists the options you can use with the script.


Description / Usage

-h --help

Displays this help message

-v --verbose

Prints verbose debugging information

-p | --previous

Displays the time when the script was last executed successfully. The time stamp of a failed or aborted run of the script is not recorded.

-l | --listrpms

Lists the RPMs that were updated since the script was last executed successfully.

-t <time_format>


Indicates the time you want the script to assume for the last successful run. <time_format> is the time stamp you force the script to display as the last successful run.

This option is useful for diagnostics, when you want the script to believe that it was last run at the time specified by <time_format>. It can hold the special value now, or it can hold the time since epoch in seconds (ticks), or it can hold a reasonably formatted time stamp, such as 04 January 2006.

-R <format>


Indicates the format in which you want RPM names to be displayed.

Use the option when you want to change the default display format of an RPM name, which is %(name)s %(version)s (for example, spamassassin-3).

-T <format>


Indicates the format in which you want the time to display for all time-related information.

Use the option when you want to change the default format, which is %a %b %d %Y, %I:%M:%S %p %Z.(for example, Tue May 09 2006, 12:00:00 AM PST)

-S | --synchronize

Synchronizes the sites' file systems with the latest RPM updates.

Note: This option causes Parallels Pro to enter the maintenance mode for synchronization if any RPM has been updated since the last run. The sites hosted on the server will be inaccessible until Parallels Pro exits the maintenance mode.


synchronizeFST <options>

where <options> is any of the options listed in the above table.

The following examples illustrate the usage of the script.

To view the time when the script was last run successfully:

synchronizeFST -p

Displays the output as: Tue May 09 2006, 12:00:00 AM PST

To change the default format of the time stamp and view the time when the script was last run successfully:

synchronizeFST -p -T '%A'

Displays the output as Tuesday