Step 4. Enabling the Installer to Download Files from the Local FTP Server

After downloading the files to your local FTP server, you need to enable the installer to obtain the installation files from your local FTP server. To enable downloads from your local FTP server, you must run the script using the --ftp-server option with the script.

To enable downloads from your local FTP server:

  1. Log in to the server on which you want to install Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  2. Download the installer script from your local FTP server to the server on which you want to install Parallels Pro Control Panel. The installer script is located in the directory /home/ensimwpl/<epl_rel>.<os_type>.<os_version>/tools.
  3. Run the script Use the --help option with the script to learn more about the various command line options you can use with the script.

    python -nadmin -ppasswd --ftp-server=<local_ftp_server_url> -u ftp://ensimwpl:ensim94089@<updates_repository> -o ftp://ensimwpl:ensim94089@<os_repository>
