Step 3. Downloading the Parallels Pro Control Panel Installation Files onto the Local FTP Server

Create a local FTP mirror of the directory structure on Parallels Pro Control Panel FTP server by downloading the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation files from Parallels Pro Control Panel FTP server onto your local FTP server. Ensure that you have the "NcFTP" FTP client software installed on your Linux server. The following procedure requires the NcFTP client to start a recursive download of the required files from Parallels Pro FTP server to your local FTP server.

To download the installation files to the local FTP server:

  1. Log in to your local FTP server with the account information provided by Parallels Pro Control Panel (ensimwpl/ensim94089). You are logged in to your Home directory.
  2. Create the directory apt/ensim/EPL/<epl_ver> using the following command:

    mkdir -p apt/ensim/EPL/<epl_ver>

    where <epl_ver> is the version of Parallels Pro Control Panel you want to install

    For example, if you want to install Parallels Pro Control Panel 10.3.1, create a directory using the following command:

    mkdir -p apt/ensim/EPL/10.3.1

  3. Change to the directory apt/ensim/EPL/<epl_ver>.

    cd apt/ensim/EPL/<epl_ver>

  4. Type the following command to copy the files to your local FTP server:

    ncftpget -R -u ensimwpl -p ensim94089 ./ /apt/ensim/EPL/<epl_ver>/<epl_rel>.<os_type>.<os_ver>/

    The command is case-sensitive.

    The following table describes the various options used with the command.

Command option



Indicates recursive mode (recursively copies whole directory trees)

-u ensimwpl

The account user name

-p ensim94089

The account password

The host name of Parallels Pro FTP server


Refers to the local directory on your local FTP server


Refers to the remote directory containing the latest version of the installer


Refers to the remote directory containing the latest release number of the installer


Refers to the type of operating system. If you are using the Fedora Core operating system, type fc; If you are using the RHEL/CentOS operating system, type rhel.


Refers to the version of the specified operating system.

  • Fedora 4: Type 4
  • Fedora 6: Type 6
  • RHEL 4/CentOS 4.x: Type 4ES
  • RHEL 5: Type 5ES

Example 1

To copy the Fedora 4 repository on your local FTP server, type the following command:

ncftpget -u ensimwpl -p ensim94089 ./ /apt/ensim/EPL/10.3.1/11.fc.4/

Example 2

To copy the RHEL 4 repository on your local FTP server, type the following command:

ncftpget -R -u ensimwpl -p ensim94089 ./ /apt/ensim/EPL/10.3.1/11.rhel.4ES/