Sites page
The sites page shows all of the sites you have added. Resellers see only the sites they have added; they do not see sites that belong to the service provider or to other resellers.
To view sites provisioned by a reseller, you can automatically log in as the reseller, then view the reseller's sites page.
On the site page, you can perform several tasks and view the following information:
Status. The status of the site. States include:
The services and control panels are both enabled.
. The services are disabled. Site and user administrators can log in to the control panels, but they cannot use services.
. Control panel access is disabled. Site and user administrators cannot log in to control panels, but they can continue to use services.
. Services and control panel access are both disabled.
Name. The name of the site.
Domain. The domain name associated with the site.
Site login suffix. A name that uniquely identifies the site. This name is used in the site's login information.
Find information by sorting or using page controls. You can also search for sites.
View only enabled sites by clicking Enabled.
View only disabled sites by clicking Disabled.
Click action bar links to perform tasks. Many of these links are enabled only after you select an item from the list. Action bar links include:
add site. Create a new site.
overview. View site information.
remove. Remove the site.
edit. Change site information.
edit service. Change the site's service properties.
autologin. Log in to the site.
How to get to the sites page
On the top navigation bar, click sites.