New features of WEBppliance 3.5 for Linux
WEBppliance 3.5 introduces some new features for Site Administrators.
These features include:
Subdomain management
If your service provider enables subdomains for your site, you can create and manage subdomains, which are smaller components of a root domain name.
For example, if you own the root domain name, you can create subdomains such as You do not need to register the subdomain, since it is based on your registered root domain name. Users can access it, however, by typing the subdomain URL in a browser just as they do
Using subdomains you can establish multiple online service channels for product lines, extend your Web presence, and preserve your brand association.
Subdomains can:
Be accessed using aliases. Subdomains inherit aliases (a nickname or alternative Web URL that maps to the registered host name, for example, can be accessed using the alias that are defined for the parent.
Run CGI scripts. Subdomains can be configured for CGI-compliance enabling them to capture and process Web information dynamically.
Inherit the capabilities and security options of the root domain. Subdomains inherit the capabilities and security options of the parent Web site.
Learn more about subdomains
Management of multiple MySQL databases
To organize, store, and retrieve data more efficiently, you can create and manage multiple MySQL databases. Learn more about using MySQL databases
Note: The disk space used by MySQL databases is included in the site's disk quota.
Enhanced backup and restore capabilities
WEBppliance 3.5 provides superior backup and restore capabilities that now enable you to take a fully qualified and complete backup of your site. You can also migrate your site between WEBppliance servers.
Learn more about backing up and restoring data
Webalizer log reports for Web and FTP server
Webalizer provides detailed graphical and tabulated log analysis reports of Web and FTP server usage. You can view daily, monthly, and hourly summaries of the number of hits, pages, data transferred in Kbytes and other server usage information in easily comprehensible graphical format.
Learn more about Webalizer
Configurable Logrotate settings
Logrotate is a utility that simplifies the administration of Web server log files. When log files reach an established size, Logrotate automatically archives the log data. The system then populates the empty log file with fresh log data. This is called log rotation.
You can configure the settings for Logrotate using the Site Administrator interface. This enables a Site Administrator to easily configure Logrotate settings without the need to contact his service provider.
Learn more about Logrotate
Roaming authentication service using Poprelay
Itinerant users can access and send mails using their domain mail server from anywhere outside the domain network.
Learn more about Poprelay