About Site export
A Site export backs up the following data.
Site information
The site user accounts and service configuration information and related files are exported.
Site user accounts
The export includes the following information.
User configuration information
Files in the site owned by the user
Since the site configuration information is also exported, you have the functional independence to migrate your site between the control panel servers and successfully import it whenever needed.
Note: To restore an export onto a new server, you must contact your service provider and provide him with the necessary site export details to restore the site.
Your service provider can also export your site but cannot export the site and user data separately.
When you export a site, the following archives are created.
A compressed file (.gz) of the site
A compressed file (.gz) for each user of the site
The naming convention of an exported file is as follows: <server_hostname>_<site_name>_<export_type>_<YYYY>_<Month>_<date>_<Hours>_Minutes>.tar.gz Where: <server_hostname> is the name of the control panel server on which your site is hosted <site_name> is the name of the site being exported <export_type> indicates the type of export (site) <YYYY>_<Month>_<date>_<Hours>_Minutes> is the time-stamp when the data is exported. For example, exporting a site mysite.com on the server example.com on Jan 06, 2003 at 11.30 creates the following file: example.com_mysite.com_site_2003_January_06_11_30.tar.gz
The following information is exported as metadata in the form of an XML file. The metadata comprises information about the exported data.
DNS information
DNS information comprises the DNS settings configured for the zone along with zone information for the site.
Service configuration information
Service configuration information includes the service settings configured for a site when you create or modify a site.
File ownership and their permissions
Site information comprises the site name, IP address, site ownership information, services information, site databases and tables.
Site user account information
Site user account information includes the following.
The following files and directories are not exported.
Note: All the path names are relative to the site's base directory, /home/virtual/<site-id>/fst/
Analog configuration information
Anonymous FTP account information
Skins and related customizations
IMAP authentication information
Security certificate information
proFTPd authentication information
Email account information
SquirrelMail configuration file generated by Ensim
SSH authentication information
Telnet authentication information
Bandwidth statistics
Scheduled export settings
Files not owned by group adminxyz (for example, admin123) or root