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Skins are the custom graphical appearances (GUIs) that can be applied to the Parallels Pro Control Panel to cater to the individual preferences of each user.
Information on this page includes:
For example, a service provider has added a skin and a reseller has also added new skins. When the reseller logs in and selects the value all skins in the show drop down list, the skins listed include the one added by the service provider, skins added by the reseller as well as the system generated skin(s).
This page facilitates managing the skins as follows:
Click the action bar links to manage the skins. Except for the Add skin action bar, the links Edit, Remove, Set as default, Apply skin and Preview are enabled only after you select an item from the list. Action bar links include:
Add skin
Apply skin
Set as default
Next quick-start topic: Add your brand to control panels