Updating Database Tool Information

This method updates an existing database tool on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server.


public void EditDatabaseTool (DatabaseToolData databasetool, string username, string password)


  • databasetool, which is the object of DatabaseToolData with details of the tool to be edited
  • username, which is the username of the service provider
  • password, which is the password of the service provider

Return Value


Example Code:

DatabaseToolData dbToolData = new DatabaseToolData();

dbToolData.ToolName = "MyDatabaseTool"; // Name of existing database tool

dbToolData.ToolType = DatabaseToolType.MySQL;

dbToolData.Target = "http://dbmgmt.myisp.net";

dbToolData.HelpTarget = "http://dbmgmthelp.myisp.net";

w.EditDatabaseTool(dbToolData, "admin", "ensim123");

Note: The name of the database tool cannot be edited.