Before You Integrate the Custom Scripts
Before you integrate the custom scripts with Parallels Pro Control Panel, keep the following points in mind:
- The custom script is run only after all the actions of the corresponding site operation are successful. If any action of the site operation fails, the custom script is not run. When the script is run, the Action Log page in the Parallels Pro Control Panel for that site operation displays that the script has been initialized.
- The return code of the custom script does not affect the status of the corresponding site operation. Even if the script fails, the site operation does not fail.
- After the corresponding site operation has completed successfully, it runs the custom script, but does not wait for the script to complete.
- Since the custom scripts are run in the context of the System user on the Parallels Pro Control Panel server, it cannot display any dialog box to the user on the screen. If the script tries to display a dialog box on the screen that requires a user's input, the server stops responding to any further requests.
- Since cscript is used for running the custom scripts, ensure that the location of
is added to the Windows path variable.