addobj.exe -t user -f
<location_of_XML_file> -u
<parent_username> -p
addobj.exe -t user -s
<XML_data_as_a_string> -u
<parent_username> -p
The parameters to be passed in the XML file for adding a user are given below.
Note: The parameters that do not have a value specified below are optional, and therefore these tags can have empty values.
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
property name="username"
property name="password"
property name="template"
property name="firstname"></property>
property name="middlename"></property>
property name="lastname"></property>
property name="admin"></property>
property name="email"></property>
property name="phone"></property>
property name="description"></property>
property name="enabled">true</property>
property name="street"></property>
property name="city"></property>
property name="state"></property>
property name="country"></property>
<!-- country should include the two-character alphabetic country code. For example, if you want to set country to United States, then specify US as its value. -->
property name="company"></property>
property name="department"></property>
property name="office"></property>
property name="shortname"
<!-- shortname refers to the short name of the site to which this user needs to be added. -->