How to Execute CLI Calls

This section includes instructions on how to use the CLI calls directly from the command line.

To execute CLI calls:

  1. Use a Terminal Services Client like Remote Desktop Connection to start a session on a Microsoft Windows 2003 server running Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  2. In your terminal services session, open a command prompt window, then change to the directory where the CLI program files are located. For example, if you have installed Parallels Pro Control Panel in the default Program Files directory, then run the following command at the prompt.

    cd C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cli

  3. Since all the arguments passed to the calls are in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format, create an XML file using a standard text editor. This file will include all the arguments necessary for running the call successfully.

    Note: You have two options available with each call: the "-f" (file) option and the "-s" (string) option. These two options are mutually exclusive; so you can use either one. The "-f" option allows you to specify the complete path where the XML file is located, while the "-s" option allows you to enter the XML data as a string directly on the command line.

    We recommend that you create the XML file, save it, then use the "-f" option of the call to specify the location of this file. If you use the "-s" option, you cannot use line breaks in the XML data since the entire XML data must be specified on a single line.

  4. Run the calls with the parameters described in this guide and the results will be displayed accordingly.

    Important: Each call described in this guide includes an example of the XML file it needs to execute. Do not change the format of the XML file while creating it. You can replace the values of the parameters given in these examples.

    If the values passed in the XML file are invalid, then the call fails with an error.