Generating the DSP2.xml File

After creating the DSP.xml file, generate the DSP2.xml file from the DSP.xml file using the pre-processor file PreprocessDspXML.exe. This is required to consolidate the installation and configuration information into a single output file.

To generate the DSP2.xml file from DSP.xml file:

  1. Open a command window and change to the directory where the file PreprocessDspXML.exe is located.
  2. Run the following command:

    PreprocessDspXML.exe <path_DSP_options.xsl> <path_DSP.xml> > <path_DSP2.xml>


    <path_DSP.xml> is the complete path where you have saved the DSP.xml file

    <path_DSP_options.xsl> is the complete path of the XSL file used with the preprocessor file PreprocessDspXML.exe

    <path_DSP2.xml> is the complete path where you want to save the DSP2.xml file.

    The DSP2.xml file is now generated.