Logging on to SquirrelMail

You log on to SquirrelMail when you want to view or manage your email messages.

To log on to SquirrelMail:

  1. In the Shortcuts section of the Home page, click Email Access, then click SquirrelMail Interface or go to the SquirrelMail URL using any Internet browser.
  2. In the Email field, enter your email address. Your email address is:


    where <your_user_administrator_username> is the username you type when you log in to the User Administrator control panel, and <your_site.com> is the domain name of your site.

    For example, if your email address is joe@sports- store.com, your user administrator username is joe and your domain name is sports- store.com.

    Note: When you access SquirrelMail from the User Administrator control panel, the domain name portion of your email address is displayed automatically. If the name displayed is not correct, overwrite it and enter your entire email address.

  3. In the Password field, enter your User Administrator password.
  4. Click Login.

    The SquirrelMail Inbox window opens.

Note: File attachments are limited to 2 MB by default; however, your account may have a custom size limit. Contact your administrator for the exact size limit. SquirrelMail does not warn you if a file attachment is over the size limit.