Recommended FTP Servers for Export and Import

You must have access to an FTP server to transfer data using the FTP option. Parallels Pro recommends use of the following FTP servers for successful export and import operations.

FTP Servers Running on Linux or Unix Platforms

Use one of the following FTP servers to export or import files.

FTP Servers Running on Microsoft Windows Platforms

To reset the directory listing style:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel. The Control Panel window opens.
  2. Locate the option, Administrative Tools and double-click the icon.
  3. In the Administrative Tools window, locate the option, Internet Services Manager, and double-click the icon. The Internet Information Services window opens.
  4. Click next to the name of your desktop computer to expand the access tree. The list of sites and servers installed are displayed.

    Note: By default, the FTP server is stopped.

  5. Select Default FTP Site and click to start the FTP server.
  6. Select Action > Properties. The Default FTP site Properties window opens.
  7. Select the Home Directory tab.
  8. In the Directory Listing Style area, select Unix.
  9. Click Apply > OK.

    The exported files now display in the control panel when you import the files.