Adding Yourself as a User

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If you want to access the User Administrator control panel to manage your own user-level email account, you need to add yourself as a user to the site.

To add yourself as a user:

  1. Click the Shortcuts tab on the Home page.
  2. In the shortcuts area, click Add User (Users section). The Add User form opens.
  3. In the User Name field, enter the name you want to type when you log on to the User Administrator control panel. User names can be up to 40 alphanumeric characters in length, and they cannot contain spaces.

    Note: The user name entered here also becomes the first part of your email address, for example <username>@<>, but you do not need to type the @ symbol and site name in this field.

  1. In the Full Name field, enter your first and last names. Names in this field can be up to 40 alphanumeric characters in length, and they can contain spaces.
  2. In the Password field, enter the password you want to use to log on. Passwords are case sensitive, cannot contain spaces, and have to be at least one character in length. Allowed characters include: a-zA-Z 0-9 , . - _ / + $ ~ : % @ !
  3. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password.
  4. In the Disk Quota field, enter the amount of disk space, in megabytes, you want to reserve for yourself. To allow an unlimited amount of disk space, type 0 (zero). To determine how much disk space is available on your site, check the Configuration page.

    Note: Be aware that disk quotas are not supported on NFS-mounted servers. If you know your site is on an NFS-mounted server, or if you receive an error in this field when adding an account, type 0 (zero) in this field.

    To determine whether your site is on an NFS-mounted server, contact your service provider.

  1. Optional: Enable access to any of the following services:

    Note: Your Site Administrator account enables you to log on to all of the services available to your site. If you enable these services for your User Administrator account as well, you can use either account to log in to these services.

    1. FTP. If FTP is available to your site, you can select the FTP check box so you can use FTP, File Transfer Protocol, to transfer files between your computer and your site. This service is especially useful for individuals who need to upload Web pages to your site and who are not using Microsoft FrontPage to publish content. To prevent FTP access, leave the check box blank.
    2. SSH Secure Shell. If SSH (Secure Shell) is available to your site, you can select the SSH Secure Shell check box so you can connect remotely to your site using an SSH connection. SSH provides a secure connection through which users who are comfortable using a UNIX shell environment can log on to your site to search, copy, run scripts, and perform other tasks. To prevent SSH access, leave the check box blank.
    3. Telnet. If Telnet is available to your site, you can select the Telnet check box so you can connect remotely to your site using a Telnet connection. If you are comfortable using a UNIX shell environment, you can log on to your site through Telnet to search, copy, run scripts, and perform other tasks. To prevent Telnet access, leave the check box blank.
  2. Optional: If subdomains are enabled for your site, you can upload Web site content to a subdomain. To add yourself as a user of the subdomain, check the Create a user subdomain checkbox.

    Note: A user subdomain is a subdomain with the same name as the user being added. For example, if you are adding a user, Bob, to your site,, and if you select the Create a User Subdomain checkbox, then a subdomain 'bob' will be created. The subdomain can be accessed as

    For user subdomains, the web content directory defaults to the public_html directory of the user. Thus, the content for the subdomain, bob, will be placed in the directory /home/bob/public_html/.  

    If you want to upload your subdomain content to a directory other than the public_html directory, then you must first add yourself as a user without selecting the Create a User Subdomain checkbox, then add a new subdomain, and assign ownership to yourself.

  1. Click Add.

    Your user account is added. Your account and service login information is listed below. Learn more about accessing services.

Next topic in quick-start guide:
Adding accounts for other users