Service Plan Options

This topic explains options for service plans. You choose these options when you add or modify a service plan or site.

Service plan options include:

Site information section


Description and settings

Security Level

The security level assigned to a site establishes the operating environment of the site. Depending on the security requirements of the site, select one of the following options:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

IP-Based Hosting

(Service Plan field only)

Click this option if you are creating a Service Plan template for IP-based sites.

Name- Based Hosting

(Service Plan field only)

Click this option if you are creating a Service Plan template for name-based sites.

DNS section


Description and settings

Add to DNS

If you want to add an entry to the DNS server provided by the control panel, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Enable Zone Management

If you want to enable zone management capability for the reseller (if you assign the site to a reseller) or the Site Administrator, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Enable DNS Logging

If you want Parallels Pro to maintain a record of all the DNS-related events, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.


Enter the fully qualified domain name of the server you want to designate as the primary (Master) DNS server.

Slaves (one per line)

Enter the fully qualified domain name of the server you want to designate as the secondary (Slave) DNS server. You can specify multiple slave servers, one entry per line.

Aliases section


Description and settings

Domain Aliasing

If you want to allow other domain suffixes to map to this domain, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

In the text box, enter the specific domain suffixes you want to map to the domain, for example, .net or .org. Enter only one suffix per line.

Note: If you add records to an alias zone (that is, a zone added to an alias domain), before you remove the alias domain, make sure you manually migrate all the records to another zone.

Aliases (one per line)

In the text box, enter the specific domain suffixes you want to map to the domain, for example, .net or .org. Enter only one suffix per line.

Note: If you add records to an alias zone (that is, a zone added to an alias domain), before you remove the alias domain, make sure you manually migrate all the records to another zone.

Monitoring section


Description and settings

Threshold (MB)

Enter the upper limit of network traffic (greater than 0), in Megabytes, that the site is allowed to have per month.

Note: You will get a daily email message summarizing the sites that are over their bandwidth limit. If no sites are over the limit that day, you will not receive an email message.

Cycle Start

Specify the day of the month the bandwidth threshold monitor resets and begins a new monitoring session.

Click the arrow and from the list, choose a number between 1 and 28. For example, if you want the monitoring to start on the 10th of each month, choose 10.

Analog Web/FTP Log Analyzer

If you want to provide your customers with analysis reports of Web and FTP server use, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: If you enable this option, you must also enable the Generate Web Logs option.

Webalizer Log Analyzer

If you want to provide your customers with graphical log analysis reports of Web and FTP servers usage, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: If you enable this option, you must also enable the Generate Web Logs option.

AWStats Log Analyzer

If you want to provide your customers with graphical log analysis reports of Web and FTP servers usage, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: If you enable this option, you must also enable the Generate Web Logs option.

System Limits section


Description and settings

Disk Quota

If you want to set a specific amount of disk space that can be assigned to a site, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: You cannot set the disk quota for NFS servers. Leave this check box blank for sites on NFS servers.

Allocated Disk Quota (MB)

Enter the numerical amount (in MB) you want to assign.

User Quota

User quota defines the number of users that can be created for the site.

  • To allow unlimited number of users:
    Do not select the User Quota checkbox; Leave the Max Users field empty.
  • To allow limited number of users:
    Select the User Quota checkbox; Enter the maximum number of users in the Max Users field.

Maximum Number of Users

Enter the maximum number of users, for example, 25, that you want to create for the site.

Web Server section


Description and settings

Apache Web Server

If you want to provide Web server support to your customers, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Web Server Name

Enter the domain name prefix, for example "www.". If you do not specify a prefix, a DNS record will not be created for that domain name.


If you want to allow your customers to run CGI scripts on their Web servers, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: Be aware that CGI scripts generate processes that can use extensive server resources.

Script Alias

Specify the directory in which you will store CGI scripts created for the site. The default directory is cgi-bin. If you are unsure of what to enter in this field, retain the default.

Secure Web (SSL)

(for IP- based sites only)

If you want to provide your customers with secure Web pages, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

1. Secure Web (SSL) is only available to IP-based sites.
2. SSL encryption will slow down page browsing on the Web site.
3. The customer must obtain a SSL certificate from a certifying authority. He is also provided with a self signed certificate, which is valid as any other certificate, however this may result in warning messages being displayed on the server.

Server Side Includes

If you want to allow your customers to create .shtml Web pages, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Mod_perl for Apache

If you want to allow your customers to use Mod_perl for Apache, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

FrontPage Server Extensions

If you want to support customers who want to use Microsoft FrontPage to manage their Web site, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: Microsoft FrontPage has its own protected directory feature. If you select the FrontPage option, your users cannot use the directory protection provided by the control panel. Your users can protect their directories through FrontPage instead. For information on this FrontPage feature, see the Microsoft FrontPage user guides.

You can either enable FrontPage Server Extensions or WebDAV server for the users. If you enable FrontPage Server Extensions, the WebDAV server will be automatically unavailable to the users.

WebDAV Server

WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol, which allows users to collaboratively edit and manage files on the remote Web servers.

You can either enable WebDAV server or FrontPage Server Extensions for the users. If you enable the WebDAV server, FrontPage Server Extensions will be automatically unavailable to the users.


The default directory alias is /perl/.

Generate Web Logs

If you want to provide statistics about Web site traffic for the CustomLog report, and provide error information for the ErrorLog report, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

If you have enabled the Analog Web/FTP Log Analyzer option, you must also enable this option. The Generate Web Logs application provides the statistics used for the Analog Web/FTP Log Analyzer reports.

Tomcat 4

If you want to provide Tomcat 4 support to the site, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: Tomcat 4 provides capabilities for running Java servlets/Java Server Pages (JSP) on the Web server.

Subdomains section


Description and settings

Subdomain Interface

Select the check box to enable Site Administrators with access to the subdomain interface for creating and managing subdomains.

Maximum Subdomains

Enter the maximum number of subdomains that can be created for the site.

Base Directory

The base directory indicates the location in the site's file system where all the regular subdomains for the site can be located.

Enter the complete path to the base directory. By default, they will be located under /var/www.

E-Commerce section

Miva Merchant

If you want to allow your customers to create e-commerce storefronts using Miva Merchant, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

File Management section


Description and settings

File Manager


If you want to allow your customers to access, create, and remove files and directories on the site, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.


If you want to allow your customers to backup and restore data or configuration files, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Mail Access Protocol section


Description and settings

POP3+IMAP Server

If you want to provide your email users access to their email from remote mail clients, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Mail section


Description and settings


If you want to allow your customers to send and receive email messages from the mail server on the site, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Mail Server Name

Enter the prefix you want to use, for example, "mail.".

Mailing List (Majordomo)

If you want to allow your email users to create mailing lists, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Vacation Auto-Responder

If you want to allow your email users to create vacation messages to automatically respond to incoming email messages, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: If you select this option, and later temporarily remove it from the site then add it back to the site, you must notify your users to reactivate this feature. When you remove this feature from the site, Vacation Auto-Responder automatically resets the option to Off for any user account currently using the feature. Users will not be able to use this feature until they manually set it to On again.

Spam Filtering

If you want to allow your email users to manage spam, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Web-based Email Access section


Description and settings

SquirrelMail Web-based Email

If you want to provide your customers access to their email messages over the Web, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Mail Scanner

MailScanner/Virus Scanner

If you want to enable email scanning for the site, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: When you enable MailScanner, you automatically enable virus scanning for email messages delivered to the site.

Scan Incoming mail

If you want to allow only incoming email messages to be scanned, select the check box, otherwise leave it blank.

Scan Outgoing mail

If you want to allow only outgoing email messages to be scanned, select the check box, otherwise leave it blank.

Remote Login and Tools section


Description and settings

Development Tools

If you want the virtual domain shell of your customers to have access to development tools like GCC or G++ compilers, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

OpenSSH Secure Shell

If you want to allow your customers to log on and access the site using an SSH connection, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.


If you want to allow your customers to log on and access the site using a Telnet connection, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

The maximum number of Telnet domains supported on one server is 250.

File Transfer section


Description and settings


If you want to allow your customers to transfer files to and from the site using an FTP connection, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Note: Name-based sites support FTP file transfers at the Site Administrator level only. Other users can upload files to the site using the File Manager upload feature.

FTP Server Name

Enter the prefix you want to use, for example, "ftp.".

Anonymous FTP

If you want to allow anonymous users to access the FTP server without a password, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Database Server section


Description and settings


If you want to allow your customers to manage their SQL databases through MySQL, select the check box; otherwise, leave it blank.

Do not configure the rest of the options in the Database Server section if you do not enable MySQL.

Note: Enabling MySQL will also enable the MySQL set of command line tools for database management.

Database Administrator

The Database Administrator exercises administrative control over all the databases of the site.

Enter the user name of the Database Administrator. Note: By default, the site name is used as the database in this field. The name should not exceed 16 characters.

Note: If you leave this field blank, the default user name is the same name as you entered in the Administrator User Name field.

Number of Databases

Enter the maximum number of databases permissible for the site.

Important: The value 0 enables the Site Administrator to create unlimited number of databases for the site.

Database Prefix

Enter a prefix for the database. The prefix is necessary to ensure that the database is unique to the site and can have a maximum of 30 characters.

By default, the site name is used as the database prefix. If the name of the site exceeds 30 characters then the database prefix is truncated to 30 characters.

Prefix caveat

The prefix name, once set, must not be changed, as this will change the name of all the databases across the site. As a result of this, your site databases will be inaccessible.

To restore connection to the database, do one of the following:

  1. Revert to the original prefix.
  2. Change the code references in your site pages so that they refer to the new prefix.

Reseller section


Description and settings


Select the reseller for whom you want to create sites using the service plan template. You must select the Reseller Interface check box before you select the reseller.

Note: When you create a site using this Service Plan, the site will, by default, be owned by the reseller. The Service Plan template you create for resellers does not limit them in any way from defining their own Service Plan configurations.

Power Tools section


Description and settings

Enable Power Tools

To enable Power Tools for a site, select the check box next to Power Tools. To allow Site Administrators to install individual tools, select the check boxes that appear next the tools. To prevent Site Administrators from installing individual tools, disable tools by clearing their check boxes.

To disable Power Tools for a site, clear the check box next to Power Tools. If this check box is cleared, Power Tools is disabled even if individual tools are selected.