The default site permissions are set by the file /var/tomcat4/conf/sites.policies.d/site
and the site context is set by the file /var/tomcat4/conf/sites.xml.d/site
where site
<n> is the site index.
You can review the site permissions anytime.
To review site permissions
sitelookup -d
< domain name>
The following output displays.
<domain name>, admin
<domain name>,
<admin name>.
The output indicates that the site index of <domain name> is site
<n>. Use the site index to determine site permissions.
For example, if a site named
has the site index site<n>, then the file /var/tomcat4/conf/sites.policies.d/site
will consist of default site permissions for site<>. This file appends to the file catalina.policy