Configuring Parallels Pro Control Panel as a Master Server

To configure Parallels Pro Control Panel as a master server:

  1. Add your name servers as a local name server using:
    '/usr/lib/opcenter/bind/add_local_nameserver <nameserver> <ipaddress>'
    which creates the following file:
  2. Use the local name servers entries for both the master and slave server fields, while adding sites/plans/zones. Else,
  3. Make the local name server permanent, by creating their entries as master in default plan, before adding new sites.
  4. After adding a site, you can see the zone configuration in SOA section as Type - Master.
  5. After adding a site, you can see the created zone/s of newly added sites as Master in the zone type.


Slave servers are not mandatory, if the local-box is the master server.

Slave servers will get notified, each time there is a change in the zone records of the master server.

You can notify all the slave servers by doing a Refresh action for that masterzone. (rndc refresh)