Step 2. Setting Up a yum Repository (Optional)

Note: This step is required only if you want the installer to use a local yum repository to obtain the operating system RPMs and updates. If you are using up2date, the installer can obtain the required operating system RPMs and updates directly from the Red Hat Network (RHN).

The following procedure describes the process for setting up a yum repository on the server and for downloading the required RPMs to the local FTP server.

To set up the yum repository and download the RPMs to your local FTP server:

  1. Log in to your local FTP server with the account information provided by Parallels Pro Control Panel (ftp/ You are logged in to your Home directory.
  2. Create the directories where you want to download the operating system RPMs (for example, /home/ftp/os) and the RPM updates (for example, /home/ftp/updates) using the following commands:

    mkdir < os_repository>

    mkdir < updates_repository>

  3. Copy the operating system RPMs (from the vendor CD-ROMs) to the directory created in step 2 using the following command:
  4. Copy the RPM updates to the directory created in step 2 using the following command:

    cp <source_updates> <updates_repository>

    where <source_updates> is the Web address from where you obtain the operating system updates and <updates_repository> is the directory you created in step 2.

  5. Log in as the root user and install the RPM createrepo-0.4.1-1.rpm.
  6. You may obtain the RPM from the Web site

    rpm -Uvh createrepo-0.4.1-1

  7. Create the RPM header files for the operating system RPMs and the RPM updates using the following command:

    createrepo <os_repository>

    createrepo <updates_repository>

    The yum repository is now set up.

After you set up the yum repository, proceed to download the Parallels Pro Control Panel installation files as described in the next step.