Adding User Accounts

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You add user accounts when you want to enable individuals to log in to the user administrator and site administrator control panel or use your site's services. To add multiple user accounts at once, you can import users.

To add a user account:

  1. Go to the Add user wizard. To do this, on the top navigation bar, click users, then click add user.
  2. Complete the User Information form, then click Next. On the form, * indicates required information.

    User information includes:

  3. Choose the services you want to enable for the user, then click Next. If no services are listed, contact your service provider to enable services for your site.
  4. If you chose to enable services for the user, choose the options you want to enable for each service. For more information about service options, click this link below to open the service-specific Help.

    Web Hosting Service Help

  5. Verify the information about the user. To make changes, click Previous. To add the user, click Finish. The user's account is available for use as soon as it is added.

Next Quick-start topic: Enable Services for Users