Adding Site Templates
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Site templates are guides you can use to pre-fill information on forms when you add sites. You can add as many site templates as necessary to meet your business needs.
To add a site template:
- .
- On the general information form, provide the following information, then click Next.
- Template Name. Required. The name you want to give to the template. For example, if the template has high-end resources and services, you might call it Gold. If it has low-end resources and services, you might call it Bronze. Names must be between 1 and 128 characters in length.
- Description. Optional. A description of the template. This is for your information only; sites added with this template see this name on their account information page. Up to 512 characters, including special characters, are allowed.
- Choose the Windows Web Hosting service options you want to make available to sites created with this template, then click Next. For more information about service options, see the .
Web Hosting Service Help
- Review the information you provided for the template. To change information, click Previous. To add the site template, click Finish.
- The site template is now available and you can use it when you add a site.
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