Suspending a Reseller



The parameters to be passed in the XML file for suspending reseller information are given below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<property name="ResellerShortName"></property>
<!-- The name of the reseller to suspend-->

<property name="AdministrativeAccess">True</property>
<!-- Set this to True to enable the reseller to log in to the reseller control panel. Set this to False to prevent the reseller from logging in to the control panel. This setting does not affect the reseller's customers.-->

<property name="ApplySettingsOn">1</property>

<!-- Set this value to 0,1,2 as explained below:

0 - Only reseller will get affected by the settings below.

1 - Reseller and reseller's customers (organizations and users created under the reseller) will get affected by the settings below

2 - Reseller's customers (organizations and users created under the reseller) will get affected by the settings below-->

<property name="IsSuspended">True</property><!-- Set this to False to enable control panels and services. Set this to True to prevent logging in to the control panels and using services.-->
