Note: You cannot use phpMyAdmin as a tool name as this is the default tool provided by Parallels Pro Control Panel.
addobj.exe -t dbtool -f
<location_of_XML_file> -u
<parent_username> -p
addobj.exe -t dbtool -s
<XML_data_as_a_string> -u
<parent_username> -p
The parameters to be passed in the XML file for adding a user are given below.
?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
property name="toolname">
property name="tooltype">
Microsoft SQL Server 2005<
<!-- tooltype must have one of the following two values,"Microsoft SQL Server 2005" or "MySQL" -->
property name="target"><
<!-- the IP address location where the tool is located -->
property name="helptarget"><
<!-- the IP address location where the help for the tool is located -->