Creating the Web Application Directory Structure

This section describes the directory structure you need to create on the development server for storing the Web application files.

To create the directory structure for the Web application files:

  1. Log in to the development server as the administrator.
  2. Create a directory <powertool_name> on this server, where <powertool_name> is the name of the Web application, for example, C:\mypowertool.
  3. Browse to this directory <powertool_name> and perform the following steps:
    1. Create a .gif file of size 150 x 50 pixels and save it in the directory as <powertool_name>.gif, for example, C:\mypowertool\mypowertool.gif. This image identifies the Web application and is displayed on the List Power Tools page in the site administrator control panel.
    2. Create another sub-directory <powertool_name> in the <powertool_name> directory. For example, C:\mypowertool\mypowertool.
    3. Save all the Web application files in the sub-directory <powertool_name>.
    4. Save the sub-directory<powertool_name> as a zip archive <powertool_name>_<powertool_version>.zip, for example, C:\mypowertool\ Ensure that you extract the files in the parent directory <powertool_name>.

      Important: If you have archived the files in any other format such as .tar, .tar.gz, make sure you convert it to a .zip archive.

      The Web application directory structure is created.