Registering a Mail Add-on

Command name



VendorName - Name of the vendor.

MailServerName - Name of the mail server.

MailServerVersion - Mail server version number.

MailAPIExtension - Extension of the API calls.

MailAPIInterpreter - Interpreter used by the API calls. If this parameter is equal to "", then a null value is passed.

MailAPIInterpreterParams - Parameters to be passed to the interpreter. If you are passing more than one parameter, then they must be separated by a space ( ) or a comma (,) or as required by the interpreter. If this parameter is equal to "", then a null value is passed.

3.XCompliantAPI - If you want to use the mail add-on written for Ensim WEBppliance Pro 3.X for Windows 2003, set this parameter to "1".


The API registers the specified mail add-on.

Note: The RegisterMailAddon command resides in <install_dir>\cp\admin\bin\serviceComponents\mail, where <install_dir> refers to the path where Parallels Pro Control Panel is installed. For example, if Parallels Pro Control Panel is installed in C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance, then this command resides in the C:\Program Files\Ensim\WEBppliance\cp\admin\bin\
serviceComponents\mail directory.

If you are registering an add-on written for Ensim WEBppliance Pro 3.X for Windows 2003, and the API calls are executables, run the following command.

RegisterMailAddon.exe VendorName MailServerName MailServerVersion exe "" "" 1

If you are registering an add-on written for Parallels Pro Control Panel for Windows 2003, and the API calls are implemented as VB scripts, run the following command.

RegisterMailAddon.exe VendorName MailServerName MailServerVersion vbs cscript //nologo