The Mail Server API commands provided in Parallels Pro Control Panel include some new commands, some updated commands, and some commands that have been deleted but were present in Ensim WEBppliance Pro 3.6 for Windows 2003.
New API commands included in Parallels Pro Control Panel |
Type of command |
Command name |
New commands |
EAddDistributionList.exe EAddDistributionListMember.exe EAddMailingList.exe EAddMailingListMember.exe EDeleteDistributionList.exe EDeleteDistributionListMember.exe EDeleteMailingList.exe EDeleteMailingListMember.exe EGetCatchallUser.exe EGetDistributionListList.exe EGetDistributionListMemberList.exe EGetMailingListList.exe EGetMailingListMemberList.exe ESetCatchallUser.exe ESuspendUser.exe EResumeUser.exe EPreExportDomain.exe EPostExportDomain.exe EPreImportDomain.exe EPostImportDomain.exe EPreExportUser.exe EPostExportUser.exe EPreImportUser.exe EPostImportUser.exe |
API commands updated in Parallels Pro Control Panel |
Name of the command |
Change |
EAddDomain.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainName, IpAddress, MailBoxDirectory, MaxMailBoxes, MailDomainOwner, MailDomainOwnerPassword New parameters added: SiteType, EnableMailingList, EnableDomainAliases, EnableDistributonList, EnableSpamFilters, EnableUserAliases, EnableForwards, EnableAutoResponders, EnableWebAccess |
EEditDomain.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainName, MaxMailBoxes New parameters added: SiteType, EnableMailingList, EnableDomainAliases, EnableDistributonList, EnableSpamFilters, EnableUserAliases, EnableForwards, EnableAutoResponders, EnableWebAccess |
EAddUser.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainName, UserName, Password, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName New parameters added: EnableForwards, EnableAutoResponders, EnableWebAccess |
EEditUser.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainName, UserName, Password, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName New parameters added: EnableForwards, EnableAutoResponders, EnableWebAccess |
EdeleteDomainAlias.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainAlias New parameters added: DomainName |
EgetSpamFilterList.exe |
On executing this command, it displays only those email addresses that have a spam filter record against them. It does not display the type of spam filter or the allow/block flag. |
EAddSpamFilter.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainName bAllow SpamFilterType SpamFilter New parameters: DomainName, SpamFilterAddress, TypeOfSpamFilter |
EdeleteSpamFilter.exe |
Old Parameters: DomainName, bAllow, SpamFilterType, SpamFilter New parameters: DomainName, SpamFilterAddress |
EgetForwardList.exe |
On executing this command, it displays only the forward records of the specified username. It does not display the UserName. |
EGetUserAliasList.exe |
On executing this command, it displays only the user aliases and not the UserName. |
API commands deleted from Parallels Pro Control Panel |
Type of command |
Command name |
Deleted commands |
EGetDomainList.exe EGetUserList.exe EGetUserInfo.exe EAuthenticateUser.exe EGetStatus.exe EConfigureMailServer.exe EBackupMailServer.exe ESetMailUrl.exe EDeleteMailURL.exe EIsInstalled.exe |