Translating and Installing Online Help Files

To translate the online help files:

  1. Create a folder and download the OnlineHelpSDK_package.exe file there.
  2. Run OnlineHelpSDK_package.exe. This will extract the Build_SDK subfolder in the current folder. The up-to-date version of Online Help is located in the Build_SDK\Wix\Help\cp\admin\Help\ folder. The structure of the online help folders is the same as of the Online Help installed in the Parallels Pro Control Panel.
  3. Translate the online help *.htm files into your language, preserving the file names and folder structure in the Build_SDK\Wix\Help\cp\admin\Help\ folder.

    Note: Some .htm files are generated for navigation purposes and don't need to be translated.

    Note: To make the Search option in the Online Help index page work in your language, you need to translate the English text in the Pages array in the dhtml_search.js files across the Online Help.

To build a package of translated files:

  1. Make sure you have .NET Framework 2.0 installed. You can download it from and install.
  2. Download and install NAnt, the .NET build tool, from
  3. Download and install the WiX Windows installer, version 2.x, from
  4. In the Build_SDK folder, edit the file buildHelpSDK.bat. In the first line of the file, set the paths to the folders with NANT and Wix installations (the latter comes with the SDK and located in the Build_SDK\Soft\Wix folder). The file will look like:

    set path=%path%;c:\Program Files\nant\bin\;c:\Program Files\wix\;


  5. Run buildHelpSDK.bat:


This will build the MSI package named Custom_Parallels_Pro_Online_Help-10.3.3.msi. Now you can install the localized help package instead of the default Online Help.

To install the package with localized online help:

  1. Uninstall the default Parallels Pro 10..3.1 for Windows Online Help from the Windows' Add or Remove Programs interface.
  2. Run and install the built Custom_Parallels_Pro_Online_Help-10.3.3.msi.