Appendix B. Installing Add-ons for ColdFusion, Urchin and MySQL

This section includes instructions about installing add-ons for ColdFusion MX 6.1, Urchin 5.x and MySQL 4.1 or 5.0.

Important: You must install ColdFusion MX 6.1, Urchin 5.x and MySQL 4.1 or 5.0 manually before you install the add-ons for them. Parallels Pro Control Panel does not include these applications with Parallels Pro Control Panel; it provides only the add-ons.
After installing any add-on, restart the EnsimProvisionEngine service by clicking Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Services, locating EnsimProvisionEngine, and clicking Restart.

In this chapter:

Installing the ColdFusion Add-on

Installing the Urchin Add-on

Installing a Mail Server Add-on

Installing the MySQL Add-on

Verifying the Success of the Add-on Installation